-- Original Message ---------------
From: zetatalk <zetatalk@zetatalk.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 09:03:43 -0500
Who do you think you are talking to here
Jason? It is just you and I :-)
And I know that you care only for YOURSELF,
as when you are wrong about Px it "won't matter" as you stated
to Robert Sep, not to YOU perhaps but to the billions lied to, it matters.
You're an ass, and you call Lou Gentile and moan at him when I am on,
but won't debate me on live radio. It is YOU he is complaining about and
stating he does not respect. A COWARD, and I'm sure you don't care either
that you're called this, either. How do you live with yourself? I just
sure hope you are on the Coast in a couple weeks, and LIVE with your self
centered, self serving statements. Hope you live with the situation you
put others, little children, in. But cowards run, and you will save your
sorry worthless ass, I'm sure. And not a thought for others. By the way,
PX just showed up on the Jun 14 SOHO again, so they took the site down,
again. Ass hole.
Jason Martell wrote:
> Hello,
> Rest assured that the hype surrounding planet x's return this year
> completely false. There is NO evidence to say a planet x is heading
> towards us at this moment. There is evidence to suggest a planet
> exist. But to say where planet x is, let alone when it will return
> not an easy thing to pinpoint.
> The research of James McCanney is interesting due to his background
> Cornell and the Viking probes. I know Jim well. However, I fear that
> too is trying to catch the planet x wave of misinformation currently
> getting allot of media attention. The only 2 sources for research
> planet x that can be authenticated are the now deceased Dr. Robert
> Harrington, and the author Zecharia Sitchin.
> This year at the expo I will be discussing the latest advances in
> science imaging and how that relates to the search for a planet x.
> However, the main focus of my lecture will be on the idea of "Ancient
> Astronauts". I hope to see you there.
> Sincerely,
> Jason Martell
> Xfacts.com
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "WALTER DUNN" <w******.net>
> Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 18:35:37 -0700
> >
> >Dear Mr. Martell:
> >
> > I read on James McCanney's website about comets entering the
> System which he feels is the entourage accompanying a large object
> coming into the Solar System. Everything was believable because he
> scientist until he mentioned being watched possibly by alien craft!
> Anyway I want to ask you what you think about these so-called comets?
> > I plan on attending the UFO Expo this year will you be talking
> about if Planet X is coming?
> > With the loss of our freedoms and a global oppression I am
> becoming more afraid of being able to do anything without being
> our tracked. I'm afraid were becoming more enslaved mentally with
> technology. I'm sorry to say that I'm personally hoping for a Planet
> to destroy modern society just to protect us from this oppression.
> too far gone.
> >
> >Walter Dunn
> >Apple Valley, CA
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