scientists have found a new world orbiting the solar system –
more than 3 billion kilometers further away from the Sun than
Pluto and 40 years away from Earth in a space shuttle.
discovery of Sedna – 10 billion kilometers from Earth –
is a testament to the new generation of high-powered telescopes
like the Spitzter
Telescope. (formerly known as SIRTF)

suggest Sedna's diameter is almost 2000km – the biggest
find in the solar system since Pluto was discovered 74 years ago.
It is believed to be made of ice and rock, and is slightly smaller
than Pluto. This reported size in much to small to be a candidate
for the "Planet X" or "Nibiru" as described
by the Sumerian Culture.

find will re-ignite the debate over what constitutes a planet.
Some scientists claim even Pluto is too small to count as one.
According to astronomer Michael Brown of the California Institute
of Technology, who discovered Sedna, there could be many other
new worlds orbiting the Sun and waiting to be discovered. This
leads to the idea that "planet x" might be discovered
is very big, and much further out than previous discoveries,"
he said. "I'm pretty sure there are other large bodies up
there too." Too learn more about these topics, watch the
90min lecture I gave recently The
Seatch for Planet X.
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