Like fifty percent of the North American populace (according to a Harris Upham poll), I have long believed in the reality of technically advanced craft with capabilities in speed and maneuverability far beyond any achieved by our aerospace manufacturers to date. 

Roswell, Kecksburg, the last words of Captain Mantell, the account of Nebraska highway patrolman Herb Schirmer, the stories of Barney and Betty Hill, Travis Walton, Linda Cortile, and the Pascagoula and Alagash incidents are well known to millions of people. 

When this subject is discussed in my presence, people often say to me, "Dan, these are anecdotes! Where are the pictures, film, and videotape evidence?" 

In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of such anecdotes (see the Laurence Rockefeller-funded report), thousands of hours of professional and home video (the Japanese Nippon TV footage of Area 51), and film dating from as early as the 1950s. 

Dr. Roger Leir has made his life work the extraction and analysis of implanted objects from people who share the abduction experiences which have been catalogued by Bud Hopkins and Dr. John Mack. 

In my view and in that of millions like me, there is no question as to the existence in multiple of these advanced machines and in diverse forms-discs, crosses, wedges, triangles, boomerangs, cigars, and their respective occupants in various manifestations-greys, blues, humanoids, reptilians, and Mothmen, etc. The question is not whether they exist but rather are some of them here to do our species harm or good? 

The book which you are about to read offers the most logical, precise, and well thought through postulation that is now available to the public as to the mechanical/aeronautical basis for one type of these machines' existence, how they travel here into our observable dimensions and also the purpose for their occupants' visitations to our planet. 

As the goal of the UFO movement, since Roswell in 1947, has been to expose the government's knowledge of the UFO phenomena and the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, this may be the most shocking and powerful case presented at the dawn of the age of the New Millennium to expose the hidden secrecy. This postulation is not based on the anecdotes, film, video, and data previously assembled, but rather on the United States government's own N.A.S.A. footage photographed by astronauts on numerous space huttle missions, broadcast live to Earth during the 1990s. It is also based on deep, investigational, written correspondence between the author of this 
book and some of NASA's top research scientists. Finally, it provides empirical, ancient archaeological evidence. 

After reading this book, you will conclude as I did that the quality and volume of the evidence is irrefutable and undeniable. Further, it prepares us for perhaps the most vital revelation which will be unveiled to us in the new millennium-that we are far from alone in the multi-verse and that there is at least one species of extra-dimensional/terrestrial entity which is very interested in our own well being and survival in a most profound and wonderfully positive way. 


The footage which clearly shows unidentified objects moving behind the 12-mile tether. At the time of filming the camera is over 77 nautical miles from the tether.


Defying classic physics, this object makes a high speed turn at speeds faster than any propulsion based craft.