Here is a recent interview a did for a Christian blog wanting to know how will 2012 affect us?


1.  Tell us a bit about your research in ancient civilization. 


My research asks the question “Where do we come from?” By looking at the various ancient cultures around the world, we see a striking characteristic in their ability to build megalithic monuments that align to exact points in time and space, usually with the alignment of a star or constellation to an object on the ground. One example would be the Giza pyramids. Until about 15 years ago, we did not know that the pyramids were actually built as terrestrial markers that align perfectly to the Orion constellation which is an exact mirror image in layout for the 3 Giza pyramids.



However, this alignment takes place in 10,500 BC. Using star charting software like Red Shift, anyone can easily tell when the constellation Orion will be in view overhead at any location on the earth. You can do this going forward in time, and also backward to see when alignments took place. Why would the Egyptians that existed in 2500 BC, who our current history tells us built the pyramids, have built the pyramids to align with the Orion constellation perfectly at 10,500 BC, almost 8,000 years before the Egyptian culture existed? The answer is that the pyramids might be much older than we think, which is probably true. But also it brings up the question that the Egyptians, like the Mayans had a much greater understanding of celestial time. (time based on movements of the heavens).


Our distant ancestors have left yet another message for us, echoing down through the ages, and this one can be uncovered in the realm of astronomy. This knowledge may lead us to realize our present potential as humans on this Earth and, in a sense, rediscover that which we have lost over the years. I have mentioned the accuracy of ancient people’s ability to mark time mostly in reference to how so many megalithic structures across the Earth were clearly designed to measure or mirror it. Let me take a moment now to explain what is meant by the precession of the equinox, how it is traditionally defined and measured, and then to uncover some other information about it that has recently come to light. (time based on movements of the heavens).


(Chichén Itzá - Ancient Astronomical Viewing Platform)


Let’s look in a bit more detail at some of the celestial motions that have an important effect on our lives on the Earth. The first is called diurnal motion, or the Earth’s rotation on its axis. This motion is what brings us from a waking to a sleeping state every day. We are so used to this process happening subtly and naturally because we are in tune with the Earth’s rotation. Thus these daily changes in our consciousness occur practically without our notice. This is the way in which our bodies are attuned to the motion of the planet.


The second celestial motion that we have to look at is the Earth’s movement around the Sun—first described, as we know, by Copernicus. This movement around our sun is the celestial motion that causes life to bloom and grow on our planet, as well as affecting how it decomposes, moves, or disappears. The Earth’s movement around the Sun is responsible in large part for the evolution and adaptation patterns of the trillions of species that exist on this planet. It is so relevant to human life that we cannot fail to notice it each day, and to be almost constantly aware of it. The way in which this motion takes place, like diurnal motion, is essentially undisputed.


The third celestial motion, however, is still the product of much dispute. This is the relevant one we will be discussing in more detail here—it is the precession of the equinox. As I mentioned above, there are conflicting theories on how this precession occurs. That is, we all can observe that, day by day—(or night by night, if you will)— the way in which the stars appear in the sky subtly shifts. This motion is not always considered to be as immediately relevant to human life as, of course, the Earth’s rotation on its axis and its revolution around the sun. It is, however, incredibly significant, as we can see from any examination of ancient cultures. And, as I have discussed with Stonehenge , Maccu Piccu, the Egyptian Pyramids and various other megalithic structures around the Earth, this precession of the equinox has been measured and observed with great significance by many ancient cultures. It is to the past that we must now turn to understand the importance of this.



The amount of time that it takes for the precession to be dramatically apparent is what makes it more difficult to notice its significance. The precessional cycle is roughly 24,000 years in total. Well, naturally, with our human life expectancy of a mere 80 years or so, we only live to see a tiny, tiny shred of the precession happen. We believe what we can see, so of course it is easy to overlook the importance of something that takes place so slowly as to be almost imperceptible. However, we must not overlook it anymore. This precession is related to a higher state of consciousness that as humans we have the possibility to achieve, if only we look to our ancestors and learn how. Perhaps there was some type of golden age in the past, and perhaps we have the potential to see one again—or at least to recognize our true place in the cycle of time.


2.  Can you explain in layman's terms how the Mayan calendar works? 


The sun or day has always been the fundamental unit of timekeeping for Mayan peoples, and the road of the sun specifically expresses the concept of time (Aveni). The Maya calendar system was viewed in a cyclical manner; events take place at points within cycles of specific duration. These cycles are contained within larger cycles of elevating proportion, until one reaches a super-cycle so enormous that time becomes almost linear. For example, our 365 day year and the Mayan "Almanac year" of 260 days fits into a bigger picture of a super-cycle. The calendar combined many different counts. Each had an independent cycle running without reference to another cycle. This is very similar to our naming of days. Monday, November 9, 1999 is composed of a cycle that runs independently of the "November 9"; not all days named November 9 will occur on Monday or during 1999. Just as I would say that today is November 9, in the year 1999, the Maya people could also accurately describe time. Although the Maya used a different system, their purpose was the same.





3.  Why has the Mayan calendar concluded? Does this signal the end of the world? 


The Mayan Calendar, like many of the ancient cultures were aware of a much larger cycle of time that extends for 24,000 years, then repeats. The point in the Mayan calendar matching 2012 in our current calendar only shows a time when this calendar time period ends, and a new one begins.



If we look at the cycle of the great year mentioned above, we are about to enter the age of Aquarius. All signs in the celestial time show us we are on a steady approach to the golden age once again. However, that time won’t come again for another 8,000 years. In the golden age, ancient Hindu priests talk about humanity as a whole having the ability to actually interpret god.



4.  With all the hype about the calendar concluding, what are people not talking about that's of real interest?


I have briefly covered here a few of the characteristics around Giza that highlight evidence that Giza is much older than we thought. If this is true of the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx, isn’t it likely to be true of other ancient, megalithic structures? There are a baffling number of mysterious megaliths on this planet, and it makes sense to wonder if the mystery of their presence and construction is in some way connected. In this chapter, I will take you around the Earth, looking in detail at some of the world’s most puzzling megalithic structures.


As I began my own studies of the megaliths, I wanted to know, "Where is the oldest civilization on earth? Where do we really come from?" Everyone has heard of the idea that there was once a great continent known as Atlantis. On this continent, there supposedly existed an advanced civilization, capable of complex mathematics, construction, and technology. Somehow, over many thousands of years, Atlantis was lost. It is impossible to determine what could have caused the disappearance of the Atlanteans. Some people claim that it sank into the ocean. As you will see later in this chapter, there are in fact a number of very puzzling ruins to be found underneath water at various points on the globe, including beneath Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and in Okinawa , Japan . 


What if there was an advanced civilization at some point in the past around 10-15,000 years ago? Would they have simply stayed in one location and thrived? Or wouldn’t they have been inspired to connect and colonize globally? Based on even an untrained observation of human history and behavior, we can suppose that a highly advanced civilization would not be content just to stay in one place. It seems far more likely that an advanced civilization would also be a global civilization, and we would see evidence of their technology all over the earth.



5.  Is there any aspect of this that is relevant to Christianity or that Christians should know? 


We are living in the time of Jesus based on celestial time. Understanding the precession of the equinox does put into light a larger understanding for the content of time and how it seems to repeat going through the dark ages and into the golden age, a cycle that repeats every 24,000 years. If we also understand that right now being in the age of Pisces is the Symbol of the fish, this is also the time of Jesus. This is why you see the symbol of Pisces in association with Jesus. Right now, in the great year cycle, we are just about to leave the age of Pisces in another 150 years and enter into the age of Aquarius. As it does say that Jesus will return one day, maybe this too is based on the great cycle of time.



Now Jesus is the figure who ushers in the age following Aries, the Age of Pisces or the Two Fish. Fish symbolism is very abundant in the New Testament. Jesus feeds 5000 people with bread and “2 fish.” When he begins his ministry walking along Galilee , he befriends 2 fishermen, who follow him. And I think we’ve all seen the Jesus-fish on the backs of people’s cars. Little do they know what it actually means? It is a Pagan astrological symbolism for the Sun’s Kingdom during the Age of Pisces.




Jason Martell


Jason’s Latest Book:


Learn more about “The Great Year”



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